Cooperation in International Projects


Cooperation in International Projects

2013-2015: Roma, Italia


Romanian Academy Library

together with

40 partners from 21 european countries


AthenaPlus project aims to achieve a network of best practices in the context of widening access to culture, under the CIP programme (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme), started in March 2013.

The project consortium is composed by 40 partners from 21 EU Member States countries.
AthenaPlus will extend the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where new programs and tools were developed, widely used across the Europeana’s ecosystem of projects (, including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other cultural institutions in their work to making available digital content.

AthenaPlus is in a strategic position to address this challenge, taking into consideration:

  • the high institutional value (project involving hundreds of European institutions);
  • the amount of content offered through Europeana;
  • the significant services that will be created by this project for cultural institutions;
  • the new services offered to specific communities.

The principal objective of the AthenaPlus project is to contribute with more than 3.6 millions metadata records to Europeana, from both the public and private sectors, focusing mainly on museums content, with key cultural stakeholders (ministries and responsible government agencies, libraries, archives, leading research centres, SMEs).

Romanian Academy Library is part of this project with historical documents and numismatic material that represents an important research source of the Romanian Principalities history.

The historical documents movie

AthenaPlus Details

30.11.2011-11.08.2012: România şi Spania


Biblioteca Academiei Române

Biblioteca Universidad de Córdoba

Biblioteca Pública del Estado-Biblioteca Provincial Infanta Elena de Sevilla (intermediat de ONECO - CONSULTORÍA & MOVILIDAD)

Biblioteca Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

Biblioteca Jaume Fuster - Barcelona

Biblioteca Vapor Vell de Barcelona

Biblioteca Ignasi Iglesias Can Fabra de Barcelona

Biblioteca Publica de Taragona



,,Creşterea calităţii serviciilor de bibliotecă specializate în relaţia cu publicul tânăr’’


17.06.2011-18.06.2011: Bucureşti, România


Romanian Academy Library

The National Hellenic Research Foundation (Greece)

SIVECO (Romania)

International Academic Projects (Great Britain)

EU Relations (Italy)

Lanterna Magica (Hungary)

Afyonkarahisar Valiliği (Turkey)



CDC (Centre de Conservation du Livre) is coordinating a new program of international cooperation:
The project aims to enhance Studite a common element of the cultural heritage
of Europe, the Byzantine manuscripts and bindings.

09.03.2011: Stockholm, Suedia


Folke Bernadotte Academy

Ambasada României în Suedia


Constantin Karadja, a European Diplomat
of Swedish Descent

1.01.2011 - 31.12.2012: Haga, Olanda


Romanian Academy Library(Romania)

CERL (Consortium of European National Libraries)

LIBER(Association of European Research Libraries)

CENL (Conference of European National Librarians)


The project entitled “Europeana Libraries : Aggregating digital content from Europe’s libraries (Europeana Libraries)” is coordinated by the KB (National Library of Netherlands) and sustained by three European bodies of long standing (CENL, LIBER, CERL). A large consortium of partners, from 11 countries, partners that are national or research libraries, will bring content to Europeana. The Library of the Romanian Academy is honored to be a content provider to this project.

The project aims:

  • to bring to Europeana the digital collections of some of Europe’s leading research libraries
  • to be the first project to offer digital collections where the text will be fully searchable in Europeana

In attachments are all the résumé of the meetings and workshops regarding the project:

  1. kicking off meeting 26-27 January 2011
  2. workshop 30-31 May 2011
  3. workshop 29 June 2011, within the 40th LIBER Annual Conference



  Calea Victoriei 125, Sector 1, Bucharest, tel +4021.212.82.84, +4021.212.82.85, fax +4021.212.58.56