Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loans

The Romanian Academy Library, a legal Deposit Library since 1885, lends from its holdings only in exceptional circumstances.
Exceptionally, on approval, we lend copies to other institutions, but only through a representative of our library.
The Romanian Academy Library can provide electronic copies and photocopies of articles from serials or book chapters, on demand, to the following categories of users:

- the libraries belonging to the Romanian Academy research network;
- the National Library;
- university and research libraries all over the world.

Therefore, our colleagues in these libraries are asked to fill in the following request form, with all the necessary bibliographical information:

Institution name:
E-mail address(optional):
Title of the book/serial:
Author of the requested chapter/article:
Title of the chapter/article:
Requested pages:
Place of publication:
Issuing year/month, no. (for serials):


  Calea Victoriei 125, Sector 1, Bucharest, tel +4021.212.82.84, +4021.212.82.85, fax +4021.212.58.56