Athena Plus


ATHENA PLUS – Access to Cultural Heritage for Europeana
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ATHENA PLUS Plenary Meeting – Bucharest, 12-14 March 2014

Between 12 and 14 March 2014, Romanian Academy Library will host the 3rd Plenary Meeting organized within the AthenaPlus project (

The preliminary agenda of the meetings is available at



On 19 February 2014 will be organized, inside the project AthenaPlus, a training session for using MOVIO - a software tool for designing and publishing digital exhibitions. The presentation will take place at the Museums and the Web conference Florence (MWF2014), held in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Sala d’Arme, Italy. 

More information is available on the AthenaPlus project website, at the address


AthenaPlus is a CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) best practice network started in March 2013 and ending in August 2015. The principal objectives of the AthenaPlus project are to:

  • Contribute more than 3.6 millions metadata records to Europeana, from both the public and private sectors, focusing mainly on museums content, with key cultural stakeholders (ministries and responsible government agencies, libraries, archives, leading research centres, SMEs).

  • Improve search, retrieval and re-use of Europeana’s content, bettering multilingual terminology management, SKOS export and publication tool/API for Content Providers;

  • Experiment with enriched metadata their re-use adapted for users with different needs (tourists, schools, scholars) by means of tools that support the development of virtual exhibitions, tourist and didactic applications, to be integrated into Europeana repositories and the repositories of national aggregators or individual Content Providers.

The project consortium is composed by 40 partners from 21 Member States countries. Romanian Academy Library is a partner in the project AthenaPlus.

AthenaPlus will extend the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana’s ecosystem of projects (, including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other cultural institutions in their work to making available digital content through Europeana.

More details about the AthenaPlus project can be found on the official website:


  Calea Victoriei 125, Sector 1, Bucharest, tel +4021.212.82.84, +4021.212.82.85, fax +4021.212.58.56