Old Romanian Book â

Old Romanian Book

The old Romanian book collection contains books from 1508 until 1830, printed in Romanian or by Romanians, as well as books printed in other languages in Wallachia and Moldavia.
The Romanian Academy Library holds the greatest number of the 16th century books as the Liturgy Book (1508) and the Evangeliary (1512), printed by Macarie at Targoviste, It also detains books printed by deacon Coresi and books of the 17th century, out of which we mention the New Testament of Belgrade (1648), the Book of Law (Târgoviste, 1652), the Bible of Bucharest (1688).
The books printed during Constantin Brancovan’s reign are impressive, they were printed by the great scholar and typographer Antim Ivireanul, then Dimitrie Cantemir‘s works printed in London and Paris and L’Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman (1734; 1743) and the books of the representatives of the Scoala Ardeleana, printed at Buda or Vienna. Described in the monumental Old Romanian Bibliography (1903-1944), the old Romanian books are the essentials in the study of the Romanian language history and culture.


  Calea Victoriei 125, Sector 1, Bucharest, tel +4021.212.82.84, +4021.212.82.85, fax +4021.212.58.56