Romanian Manuscripts

Romanian Manuscripts

The collection of Romanian manuscripts consists of texts of the old Romanian literature, considered the real linking factor of the Romanian people. The Voronetian Codex, the Scheian Psalter, the Voronetian Psalter, translations of the texts of the New and Old Testament from Slavonic.
Remarcabil, de asemenea, este Slujebnicul Arhieresc al Mitropolitului Ştefan al Ungrovlahiei, cu text în slavonă, română şi greacă, precum şi Floarea Darurilor, într-o traducere de la mijlocul veacului al XVI-lea.
In the same category there are the apocryphal religious legends in Codex Sturdzanus, folk novels as Alexandria or Erotocritul de Vincenzo Cornaro, the Clock of Princes by Antonio Guevara, translated by Nicolae Costin, or the manuscripts of the Chronicles regarding the past of the country. The Romanian Academy Library is the holder of the most precious manuscripts in the Romanian classic literature written by Mihai Eminescu, Vasile Alecsandri, Ion Creangă, B. P. Hasdeu, Ion Luca Caragiale, Alexandru Vlahută, George Coşbuc, Alexandru Odobescu.
The contemporary literary creation is represented by a collection containing most of the autograph manuscripts of writers like Liviu Rebreanu, Camil Petrescu, Tudor Arghezi, Lucian Blaga, Mihail Sadoveanu, Mircea Eliade.


  Calea Victoriei 125, Sector 1, Bucharest, tel +4021.212.82.84, +4021.212.82.85, fax +4021.212.58.56