Greek manuscripts

Greek manuscripts

The collection of Greek manuscripts, circa 1.566 volumes, is very rich in variety, covering every aspect of Mediaeval and pre-modern preoccupations in religious, philosophical, history books, folk novels, law books, books of the patriarchs of the church, grammar books, parimias etc. The presence of Greek manuscripts in Northern Danube, in a Latin country, shows the steps of the spreading of the Byzantine culture. The great scholars from the Romanian countries in the 17-18th centuries, Serban Cantacuzino, Greceanu brothers, Nicolae Milescu or Constantin Brancovan, held in their libraries numerous Greek manuscripts and printed books. Moreover, the education in Greek from the Brancovan epoch and from the 18th century provides another explanation for the great number of Greek libraries and books present in Romania. The Greek Ms. 1294, 12th century Ioan Sinaitul, Canon de pocăinţa cuprinzând povestea Sfinţilor osândiţi ai Scării.
Manuscrisul Bibliotecii Academiei se alătură familiei de codice metropolitane executate în al doilea sfert al secolului al XII-lea şi was elaborated in a centre of monk life connected to the Imperial scriptoria. The fine portraits, the beauty of the landscapes and the variety of colours used by the artist of the 20 miniatures transform this manuscript into a real masterpiece of the Byzantine miniature art.


  Calea Victoriei 125, Sector 1, Bucharest, tel +4021.212.82.84, +4021.212.82.85, fax +4021.212.58.56